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01 01 2011 : Back to Serpette, 8 / 3

Galerie Cabotse has settled since the 1st day of 2011 in Serpette Market,

Booth 8, Lane 3, 93400 Saint-Ouen (Paris, Porte de Clignancourt).

On week-ends at Serpette  Market, Saint-Ouen, or on appointment in Paris Montparnasse in the week time, for new discoveries, paintings, drawings, prints... and miscellaneous.

Happy New Year !

Michel & Alona Cabotse wish you

Happy New Year.

New : snowy day Place du Tertre, Montmartre

Montmartre, Place du Tertre under the snow, around 1910, pastel by M. Karcher

Michel and Alona Cabotse wish you a Happy Christmas, and plenty happy gatherings through these coming days !

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