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Katagami* pochoir Japonais XIXème
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New : 19th c. album of photographies, Roma

Album including 102 albumen prints of antique monuments and architectural views in Roma, certain with the blind stamp "d'Alessandri Flli Roma", two with Angelo Pedo blind stamp, others signed Tuminello Roma (Giacomo Caneva), showing main views of Roma, the Via Appia and Tivoli.

Dedicated "to Madame Berthe Schaeffer".
Some unuasual views, such as the one titled "ghetto". In a luxury italian binding of the time.
Size of the photos : 7,5 x 10 inches (19x25cm) ; album : 15 x 12 inches (38,5 x 30 cm).

See some prints

New : portrait, pastel by Mania Mavro

Pastel drawn in 1924 by Mania Mavro, russian artist born in Odessa in 1889,, active in France from 1920. Pastel

Tangam, a set of 21 erotic watercolours

By an architect named Robert Magnat, alias Tangam, realised in 1976/1977.

See watercolour

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