10th of March to 18th of April 2010
The next exhibition in the Gallery is : Woodcuts, a few samples of the artist's talents when they decide to carve a wood block and print it.
2009 |
One of the last videos created by Anne-Laure Cabotse : video clip
14 th of july 2009 |
Gouache, 25,5 x 28 inches. 1200€.
Andreïev, Andrejew, (Saint-Petersbourg, 1887 - Loudun, 1966) worked in Moscow, then Berlin, for the film maker Robert Wiene, (Raskolnikoff) and Georg Willem Pabst (Loulou, l'Opera de Quat'sous, Don Quichotte) ; later he worked in France, for Duvivier, Clouzot, Cayatte and many other movie makers. See : le Cinéma expressionniste allemand, splendeurs d'une collection, éditions La Martinière & Cinémathèque française, 2006, Paris
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