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Augustin Carrera painter (Madrid 1878 – Paris 1952)
The guitarist, Sevilla

Oil on canvas
Signed and dated (19)08 lower right
116 x 95 cm
Carrera was a pupil of Léon Bonnat and Henri Martin at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, member of the Society of French Artists since 1904, when he exhibited at the Salon.
In 1912 (1907 according to the Dictionary of Painters published in 1931 by Edouard Joseph Arts Edition Paris) he received a scholarship for Indochina for 8 months, a sejourn during which he obtained from the King of Cambodia an order for decorative panels for his palace (he would fix them himself in 1928 on the occasion of a second trip).
In 1924, he created the decoration for the Opéra de Marseille.
Also member of the Salon des Tuileries .
See : Benezit, Dictionnaire des Peintres Gründ Paris 1999 .

See : Proantic/FineArtsFrance

Save the Date : 12 may 2022  7/11 pm
Marché Dauphine booth 30 Un marchand, Un artiste

Hélène & Michel Cabotse invite you to discover the photographies of Rémi Loca


"You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.' - To Neville Chamberlain" *

― Winston Churchill

            *Vous avez eu à choisir entre la guerre et le déshonneur, vous avez choisi le déshonneur , vous aurez la guerre.

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