Original Print : "Les fins Gourmets" by Claude Thielley (1811 Rully - 1891) after a composition by Johann Peter Hasenclever (1810 - 1853) The wine conners or Die Weinschmecker, lithograph Paris, Victor Delarue and Co. publishers / London, E. Gambart , Junin and Co. Imp by Lemercier in Paris. 32.8 x 46.5 cm subject 50 x 60 cm sheet Good condition after usual restoration Very nice proof, perfectly contrasted.
GALERIE MICHEL CABOTSE - Tous droits réservés Sarl au cap. de 1200,00€. R C S Paris 429 381 577 N° TVA Intra-com : 69 429 381 577 00015. Siège : Marché Dauphine, 140 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen. Website made by net-assembly