Pupil of Lucien Simon at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Plisson started his artistic career as a painter. In 1932 he exhibited his works at the Salon des Artistes Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne. From 1934 he created sculptures and objects in ceramic. At the same time he travelled the world as well as the seas, and was finally appointed Peintre agréé de la Marine in 1973.
GALERIE MICHEL CABOTSE - Tous droits réservés Sarl au cap. de 1200,00€. R C S Paris 429 381 577 N° TVA Intra-com : 69 429 381 577 00015. Siège : Marché Dauphine, 140 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen. Website made by net-assembly