Etching : Head for study, portrait of a prince or a king of the Renaissance (Henry III?) by Page. Drawn by Dupré pupil of David. From the gallery of Bishop Cardinal Fesch. In Paris at Basset dealer of prints, rue Saint Jacques at the corner of that of Mathurins n ° 64. Presented at the Imperial Library Mixed media (dotted etching and etching) monochrome printed on a laid rag linen paper Very nice proof ready to frame
GALERIE MICHEL CABOTSE - Tous droits réservés Sarl au cap. de 1200,00€. R C S Paris 429 381 577 N° TVA Intra-com : 69 429 381 577 00015. Siège : Marché Dauphine, 140 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen. Website made by net-assembly