www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspxBeautiful lithography by Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl , 1840. Printed by Herausgeber. Our proof is on applied China paper. One proof of this engraving is kept in the British Museum, London.http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=3233759&partId=1 Good condition after usual restoration. Palma Vecchio (c. 1480 – July 1528), born Jacopo Palma and also known as Jacopo Negretti, was an Venetian painter of the Italian Renaissance. He was born at Serina Alta near Bergamo, a dependency of the Republic of Venice, but his recorded career all took place in or near Venice. He is called Palma Vecchio in English ("Palma the Elder", in Italian Palma il Vecchio) to distinguish him from Palma Giovane ("Palma the Younger", 1548/50-1628), his great-nephew, who was also a painter. Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl (1 March 1804, Baiernrain near Bad Tolz – 18 April 1877, Munich) was a Bavarian painter, lithographer and photographer. 35.1 x 49.8 cm; 43 x 55 cm sheet.
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