Villa Adriana engraved and drawn by Francesco Piranesi. Etching and chisel. Woven paper with ridges and chainlines. Francesco Piranesi, also known as Francis Piranesi Francis for having founded the Calciography Piranesi brothers in 1798 with his brother Pietro, at 296, rue de l'Université and then at 1354 Place du Tribunat (now Place du Palais-Royal) at Paris, is an Italian artist and engraver aquafortist and ceramist born in Rome "around 1758", a year strongly credible by his baptism on April 4, 1758. Son, pupil and collaborator of Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) Paris, January 27, 1810.
57,7 х 44 cm to the stroke of the board; 64 x 50 sheet. Good condition after restoration of use.
GALERIE MICHEL CABOTSE - Tous droits réservés Sarl au cap. de 1200,00€. R C S Paris 429 381 577 N° TVA Intra-com : 69 429 381 577 00015. Siège : Marché Dauphine, 140 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen. Website made by net-assembly