Dotted engraving of the early nineteenth century, by Bosselman in two colors of print and enhanced with watercolor. Original colours of the time. Bosselman, a miniature painter and dotted engraver, exhibited at the Salon de Paris in 1802, then at the Salon des Peintures between 1802 & 1819, and engravings after 1841 (source: Benezit, Gründ, Paris, 1999).
GALERIE MICHEL CABOTSE - Tous droits réservés Sarl au cap. de 1200,00€. R C S Paris 429 381 577 N° TVA Intra-com : 69 429 381 577 00015. Siège : Marché Dauphine, 140 rue des Rosiers, 93400 Saint-Ouen. Website made by net-assembly